please read this document in its entirety

Bohemian Cove Alternate Use Disclaimer

This Alternate Use Disclaimer:

Persons viewing this disclaimer are encouraged to read the full Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for full details about privacy, use guidelines, accuracy of information found on this website, and other legal terms and conditions.

The owners and staff of Bohemian Cove believe in the alternate uses of the products we sell, but do not make any claims as to the effectiveness of those alternate uses. For purposes of this document, "Alternate Use" is defined as: use for/during a supernatural or metaphysical act or used in a way that is outside the normal physical limitations of the item including, but not limited to, aid in physical or phsychological healing. In addition, for the purposes of this document, "Products" is defined as all products and services available on the Bohemian Cove website located at including physical products, online classes, and scheduled "in-shop" services such as energy therapy, readings, and classes. Every practitioner who uses the information within this website or products sold by Bohemian Cove through this website will get their own results based on each individual's personal enlightenment and practices. Bohemian Cove absolutely offers no guarantees for the effectiveness of alternate use of the products we sell. You, as the practiioner, get back what you put into your practice.

Bohemian Cove is required to inform you that the products sold on this site are for "novelty" and/or entertainment purposes only. Information found within this website and/or products sold by Bohemian Cove through this website is presented as a subsitute for nor intended to diagnose or treat physical or psychological conditions, prescribe or perform medical treatment, or interfere or substitute for the treatment of medical or other professionals. If you have a real phsyical, psychological, emotional, or other serrious problem or illness, it is advised that you seek help of a qualified health care professional. If you are currently being treated ofr a medical issue, consult with your health care professional before making any changes to your current treatment regime. No guarantees or warranties are implied or claimed regarding alternate uses of our products such as use for the purpose of well-being, healing, magick, psychic wprl, psychological aid, mental health aid, energy work, improvement of virtues, or other metaphysical or supernatural uses.

Bohemian Cove does not attempt, in any way, to restrict how you use our products once you have purchased them and they are in your possession. You are solely responsible for deciding whether any of our information, products or services are suitable for your purposes. Users of this website and those who purchase items from Bohemian Cove use our products at their own risk. In no event shall Bohemian Cove, website content providers, payment processors, or other affiliated agencies/vendors be held liable for any indirect, consequential, special, incidental or punitive damages related to the content or to any omissions or errors in the content of this site or through the alternate use of any products sold on this website. 

This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act: The statements on this site have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Use of this website confirms that you accept all risks and responsibilities concerning your actions as a result of using any information provided within this website or products sold by Bohemian Cove through this website.